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(Sv. Jožef 1. marca 1998 Edsonu)

st Joseph Most Chaste Heart.jpg

Prikazovanja sv. Jožefa na začetku razodetja Device v Itapirangi so bila redka. Včasih se je prikazal poleg Device in Jezusa, a brez besed. Gospa je leta 1995 začela Edsonu govoriti o osebi svetega Jožefa in ga že veliko prej posvarila, da bo počakal na njegove obiske pozneje, saj mu bo prišel povedati pomembna Božja sporočila, ki bodo v dobro Cerkve in družine po vsem svetu. Ta prikazovanja s svetim Jožefom so se pogosteje zgodila sredi meseca marca leta 1998. V tem obdobju je Edson zbolel za hepatitisom, zaradi katerega je bil večkrat priklenjen na posteljo, ne da bi se premaknil, in zaradi česar šestkrat ni mogel početi toliko stvari mesecih.  V tem času mu je sveti Jožef prvič razodel obljube svojega prečistega Srca in pobožnost, za katero je Bog želel, da bi v Cerkvi in svetu cvetela v našem času. Sveti Jožef mu je razložil, da bo ta pobožnost veliko sredstvo posvečenja, ki ga je Bog podelil Cerkvi in vsem, ki vredno častijo njegovo prečisto srce, kakor On želi. Je ena pobožnost v Treh združenih Srcih Jezusa, Marije in Jožefa. Ta pobožnost bo v čast Presveti Trojici, Eni in Troedini.

Sveti Jožef popravljena slika.jpeg

Here are some of the messages:

Pray always to Saint Joseph. He defends you and protects you always from the attacks of satan.  Saint Joseph is a great saint before God, because everything can be obtained with his intercession before the Holy Trinity.  The Holy Trinity covered him with numerous graces so he could be entrusted of being the protector of the Child Jesus in this world.  Today, St. Joseph is in the glory of Heaven together with the Most Holy Trinity praying for you, for the eternal salvation of every person, and that they may well understand the appeals of their Heavenly Mother."  (Our Lady to Edson Glauber on November 20, 1995)

St. Joseph is one of the great saints before God. Many still do not know how to give him the deserved veneration, and do not understand that he was a very important instrument in the salvation work of my Son Jesus."  (Our Lady on December 25, 1996)


"God wishes that St. Joseph be glorified by all men in a special way." (November 26, 1997)​

​"The Church declared him as Patron and Protector and it is My Will that this be so and that all men should resort to this Son of David and righteous man who is my virginal Father."  (Jesus on January 7, 2008)​

"My Son Jesus and I, your Mother, we desire that the whole world be consecrated to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph." (Our Lady on November 30, 1998)​​​

7. januarja 2008 je sam Jezus Edsonu narekoval molitev Zdrav Jožef in z nekaj besedami dodal:

»Zdrava Marija, sin Davidov, pravičen in čist mož, modrost s teboj, blagor ti med vsemi ljudmi in hvaljen Jezus, sad Marije, tvoje zveste žene. Sveti Jožef, vreden oče in zaščitnik Jezusa Kristusa in sv. Sveta Cerkev, prosi za nas grešnike in izprosi od Boga božjo modrost, zdaj in ob uri naše smrti. Amen!"

In potem je Jezus rekel Edsonu:

Na ta način je moj deviški oče Jožef še bolj počaščen, poveličuje in poveličuje njegovo sveto ime kot zaščitnik svete Cerkve in priprošnjik, ki pridobi potrebne milosti mojega Božjega Srca za vaše odrešenje za vaše telesne in duhovne potrebe, poleg Božje modrosti, ki mnogi ljudje morajo danes, v teh časih, biti pravični in sveti, ljubeči pravici, kajti Modrost ne bo nikoli vstopila v perverzno dušo, niti ne bo prebivala v telesu, ki je podvrženo grehu. Na ta način želim pokazati svetu in Cerkvi, kako je bil moj oče Jožef čist in svet v mojih očeh, v očeh mojega nebeškega Očeta in pred Svetim Duhom, da ga izberemo za tako veliko poslanstvo. Presveta Trojica je svetega Jožefa objela s svojim blagoslovom in svojo milostjo ter posvetila tudi najmanjše v telesu njegove matere Rahele po Svetem Duhu, posvečevalcu duš. Razširite to moje sporočilo Cerkvi in svetu in bodite pravičen, čist, preudaren, močan, poslušen, zvest in potrpežljiv sin, poln ljubezni, ki sprejema božje milosti, tako kot je moj ljubljeni oče Jožef vse življenje. Posnemajte vaše kreposti, kreposti mojega deviškega očeta Jožefa in tudi vi in vsi drugi, ki poslušate in živite to sporočilo, boste rasli v milosti in svetosti. Blagoslavljam vas in vso Cerkev: v imenu Očeta in Sina in Svetega Duha. Amen!

March 2, 1998 - 9:37 pm, Manaus

St. Joseph appeared with the Child Jesus, with a
brown mantle and a white tunic.  Baby Jesus had his head resting on St. Joseph’s Heart. Baby Jesus had some lilies in His hands. St. Joseph was very happy and was smiling.  It was Baby Jesus who spoke first: 

"My dear son, look at this Heart...with one of His little hands, the Child Jesus opened the illuminated chest of St. Joseph.  In His other hand, Jesus held the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph.

Here in this Heart is where I live because it is a Pure and Holy Heart.  That all hearts may be like this one, so that they could be My Home on earth.  Imitate this Heart so that you may receive my Graces and Blessings."

Right after, St. Joseph gave this message:

"My beloved son, today I bless you.  I bless your mother and all your family.  My beloved son, God, Our Lord wishes to give all humanity countless Graces through the devotion to My Heart.  My Divine Son (1)Jesus and Lord, that I brought up here on earth with the love of a fathers, desires that all men spread the devotion to My Heart to all those who need Graces from heaven.  He also wishes that all may help those most in need with good works and deeds. 

I promise to all who honor this Most Chaste Heart of Mine and who do here on earth charitable deeds in favor of those most in need, especially the sick and the dying for whom I am comforter and protector, to receive in their last moment of their lives the Grace of a good death. I, myself will be to these souls their advocate to My Son Jesus and, together with My Spouse Mary Most Holy, We will console them in their last hours here on earth with Our Holy Presence and they will rest in the Peace of Our Hearts. 

Just as you saw My Son Jesus lay His head on My Heart, in the same way My Spouse Mary Most Holy and Myself will take these souls to the glory of Paradise in the presence of their Savior, My Son Jesus Christ, so that they may rest, reclining near His Sacred Heart, in the burning furnace of the most Pure and Loving Heart.  I bless you all: in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!"

When they were leaving, Baby Jesus was throwing on all of us the lilies He had in His hands, which represent the Graces that He grants through the intercession of the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph.

(1) This name belongs to the Heavenly Father, but being St. Joseph the earthly father of a Divine Son He can do so.  

March 1, 1998 - 8:55 pm, Manaus

In this first apparition, St. Joseph appeared dressed in a white tunic with a blue robe, accompanied by several angels. St. Joseph was holding in his left hand a lily bud and was showing His Heart to me.

"My dear son, Our Lord God has sent me to tell you about all the Graces the faithful will receive from My Most Chase Heart which Jesus and My Blessed Spouse wish to be honored. I am St. Joseph and My name means “God will grow”, because I grew every day in Grace and Divine Virtues.  Through the devotion to My Most Chaste Heart many souls will be saved from the hands of the devil.  God our Lord has allowed Me to reveal to you the promises of My Heart. The way I was righteous and I am righteous in the sight of God, all who have a devotion to my Most Chaste Heart will also be righteous in the sight of God, because I will enrich them with these Graces and Virtues, making them grow every day in the way of holiness.  In the meantime, this is the message for today.  I bless you, My son, and all humanity in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

3. marec 1998 - 21:30, Manaus

Sveti Jožef je prišel oblečen v belo tuniko in bel plašč, držal je lilijo in Dete Jezusa prav tako v belem….


Sveti Jožef mi je dal naslednje sporočilo:

"Moj ljubljeni sin, poslušaj in oznanjaj vsemu človeštvu vse, kar Mi Bog dovoli, da ti to noč razodem. Toda najprej vas vse tukaj blagoslavljam v imenu Očeta, Sina in Svetega Duha... Amen... .. In dajem ti Jezusov mir! Moj dragi sin, kako zelo se greh širi. Ljudje se pustijo ujeti najbolj zahrbtnim hudičevim zvijačam.  Sovražnik odrešenja želi uničiti vse človeštvo, tako da, na ta način bo vse izgubljeno.  On je zavisten in sovraži celotno človeško raso. Toliko jih gre skozi toliko preizkušenj in skušnjav, da jih božji sovražnik vsak trenutek vrže nanje.  Na ta način poskuša uničiti človeške smrtne duše, ki jih je ustvaril Bog.  

Eno od sredstev, ki jih uporablja, je greh proti Sveti Čistosti, ker je Čistost ena Bogu najdražjih kreposti, na ta način hoče Satan s to Krepostjo uničiti Božjo Podobo, ki je prisotna v vsakem bitju.  To je razlog, zakaj Bog od vsega človeštva zahteva pobožnost do Mojega prečistega Srca, ker želi ljudem podeliti Milost, da na ta način vsak dan premagujejo skušnjave in napade hudiča. Sveti Jožef ti je razodel, moj dragi sin, moč klicanja mojega imena. Invokacija mojega imena je dovolj, da vsi demoni pobegnejo.  

Vsem vernikom, ki bodo z vero in ljubeznijo častili Moje prečisto Srce, obljubljam milost, da bodo živeli življenje v sveti čistosti duše in telesa, moč in sredstva, potrebna za premagovanje vseh napadov in skušnjav hudiča.  Sam jih bom varoval kot svojo dragoceno lastnino. Ta Milost ni samo za tiste, ki bodo častili Moje Srce, ampak tudi za vse njihove družinske člane, ki morda potrebujejo nebeško pomoč.  Vse vas blagoslavljam v imenu Očeta in Sina in Svetega Duha. Amen! Se vidiva kmalu."

4. marec 1998 - 21:10, Manaus

Kot običajno se je po molitvi v moji sobi pojavil sveti Jožef in mi dal svoje sporočilo.  Tokrat je prišel s temno rdečim plaščem in zeleno tuniko.  Imel je nekaj podobnega palici in mi je kazal svoje prečisto srce, ki je oddajalo zelo močne svetlobne žarke.

»Moj ljubljeni sin, danes je prva sreda v mesecu. Vsako prvo sredo v mesecu Moje Prečisto Srce razširja neštete Milosti na vse, ki se zatekajo k Moji priprošnji.  Ob teh sredah ljudje niso deležni plohe Milosti. ampak tok izrednih Milosti, ker vsem, ki Me častijo in se zatekajo k Meni, delim vse Milosti, vse Blagoslove, vse Kreposti in vso ljubezen, ki sem jo prejel od Mojega Božjega Sina Jezusa in od Moje Ženske Presvete Marije ko sem živel na svetu, in vse Milosti, ki jih še naprej prejemam v Slavi nebes.

Moj ljubljeni sin, kakšno čast in dostojanstvo sem prejel od nebeškega Očeta, da je moje srce vzklikalo od veselja.  Nebeški Oče mi je dal čast, da ga lahko predstavljam na tem svetu, da lahko skrbim za njegovega Božjega in ljubljenega Sina Jezusa Kristusa.  Tudi moje Srce je bilo presenečeno nad tolikšnim spoštovanjem, ker sem se počutil nesposobnega, ne vrednega tolikšne naklonjenosti in privilegijev, vendar sem vse položil v Gospodove roke in kot njegov služabnik sem bil pripravljen izpolniti njegovo presveto voljo.

Pomisli, moj ljubljeni sin, kakšno srečo sem čutil v svojem srcu.  Sin Najvišjega je bil zdaj pod mojim varstvom in vsi so ga poznali kot mojega zakonitega otroka.  V očeh ljudi je bilo to nemogoče, toda za Boga je vse mogoče, ko On hoče. Za to veliko milost in veselje, ki ju je Bog dal mojemu srcu, in za tako veliko skrivnost, obljubljam, da bom prosila Gospoda za vse tiste, ki me bodo klicali, častili to moje srce, milost, da bi lahko rešili najtežje težave in najnujnejše potrebe, ki bi se v očeh ljudi zdele nemogoče rešiti, vendar bodo po Moji priprošnji pri Gospodu postale možne.

Nocoj blagoslavljam vse človeštvo.  Razširjam milosti svojega srca na vse grešnike, da bi se spreobrnili.  Moje Srce širi svoje Žarke Ljubezni na Sveto Cerkev, še posebej na Vikarja Mojega Sina Jezusa, papeža Janeza Pavla II.  Nihče kot On nima tako izjemnega dostopa do mojega Srca.  Da bi zaupal v moje srce in v mojo priprošnjo, ker sem za svetega očeta Oče in Zaščitnik.  Blagoslavljam vse:  v imenu Očeta in Sina in Svetega Duha.  Se vidiva kmalu!"


March 5, 1998 - 9:15 pm, Manaus

Tonight, the Holy Family came to visit me.  St. Joseph had a beige cloak and a light blue tunic.  Our Lady had a white veil and an ash blue garment. The three were enveloped in a very strong light.  Our Lady spoke first with a maternal loving voice:

"My beloved son, tonight God Our Lord allows Me to grant His Peace to all humanity.  I bless also all families and I ask that they live in peace in their families and in an intimate union with God.  If families want to receive the blessing and the Peace of God, they should live in the Divine Grace, because sin is like a very tenebrous cancer in a family that is not in union with God.  God wishes that every family, in these last times, ask for the protection of the Holy Family because I, My Son Jesus and My Spouse the Most Chaste Joseph wish to protect every family against the deceptions of the devil and to live My appeals and this message that God allows Me to reveal to you.  I bless you all in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

After giving this message, Our Lady said:

"Now listen to My Most Chaste Spouse Joseph. Right after it was Saint Joseph who gave me the following message:

My beloved son, tonight My Heart wishes to pour many graces on all humanity. Many are the ones who walk far away from our Lord because of their grave sins.  Many of my children are like this because they allowed themselves to fall into the pitfalls of the devil. The enemy of salvation wants to take these children of Mine to desperation, making them understand that there is no more solution and return.  In this way, by despairing and not confiding in the Divine Mercy they are easy prey, but I, my beloved son, I tell all sinners, even to those who have committed the most terrible sins, to trust in the love and forgiveness of the Lord and to trust also in My intercession so that all who have recourse to Me with trust will have the assurance of My help to regain the Divine Grace and the Mercy of the Lord.

See, My son, The Heavenly Father entrusted to Me His Divine Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and His Immaculate Spouse to be under My care.  My Heart felt Great Peace and Joy to have Jesus and Mary with Me living in the same family.  Our Three Hearts loved each other.  They lived a Trinitarian love, but it was a love united in a single act of one offering to the Father.  Our Hearts fused in the Purest Love, becoming One Heart, lived in three people who truly loved each other.  But see, My son, how much My Heart was afflicted and suffered to see My Son Jesus, so small, run already the danger of death because of Herod who, already possessed by the evil spirit, ordered to kill all the innocent babies.  My Heart went through great tribulations and suffering due to this great danger that My Son Jesus suffered, but the Heavenly Father did not abandon us during that time because He sent His Angel Messenger who told Me what to do and how to proceed in these moments of difficulty and of suffering.  For this reason, My son, tell all sinners not to despair in the great dangers of life and the dangers that can cause the loss of their own soul.  I promise to all those who will trust in this Heart of mine Pure and Chaste, honoring it devoutly, the Grace to be consoled by Me in their most greatest afflictions of soul and in the danger of been condemned, when, by disgrace, would lose the Sanctifying Grace due to their grave sins. To these sinners who will appeal to me I promise the Graces of My Heart for a firm intention of reparation, repentance and a sincere contrition of their sins.  Now I say to all sinners: do not be afraid of the devil and do not despair because of your crimes but come and throw yourselves in My Arms and press on to My heart so that you may receive all the Graces for your eternal salvation. 

Now I grant My blessing to the entire world:  In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.  See you soon."

March 6, 1998 - 9:15 pm, Manaus - First Friday of the Month

Our Lord Jesus Christ:

“I am the True Peace.  I give My Peace to all. I am Jesus Christ, the Savior of the entire human race.  I desire that all honor the Immaculate Heart of My Mother, Mary Most Holy and the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.  My Sacred Heart wishes to spread a new abundance of Graces, driven by love for the salvation of sinners.

See, My son, through these Hearts I wish (Jesus was showing the Heart of Our Lady and that of Saint Joseph), to draw all to Me.  It is through these Hearts that I share My graces and My blessings.  Through them people will be drawn faster to My Sacred Heart.  Tell all people not to waste the Graces that I wish to grant them.  Honoring These Hearts, they will honor and glorify Me because I have chosen My Mother, Mary Most Holy and My Virginal Father Joseph, to take care of Me, the Son of God, living with them during My heavenly mission on earth.  For this reason, those who will honor Them, they will honor Me, because they will honor my decision to have chosen Them as My parents on earth (1).  I bless again all My children:  In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.  See you soon."

(1) The phrase may seem unusual, but not to forget that our God is always Trinitarian, in every decision.  Then, the Father has proposed, the Son has accepted and the Holy Spirit has made it possible. 

Our Lady:

“Dear children, honor the Holy Wounds of My Son Jesus Christ, because through them God grants you many graces that are needed for your conversion and for the conversion of your brothers.  During this time of Lent try to meditate on the Holy Passion of My Son Jesus Christ so that you may understand what My Son Jesus Christ had to be bear and suffer to free you from the yoke of sin.  This is the time to reconcile with God and with your brothers.  Live in your lives the Holy Laws of God. Try to be strong and firm in trials, remaining faithful to His Law of Love.  God loves fidelity.  Therefore, dear children, the more you are faithful and responsible in your Christian commitments the more you will understand the love of God and experience His Graces in your lives. I intercede to My Son Jesus with my prayers and I tell you that I am at your side to help you. Therefore, do not lose hope, courage!  I bless you all in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!"

Saint Joseph:

"My son, I wish to speak to you again of the graces that My Most Chaste Heart wants to spread on all humanity.  My Chaste Heart, with its impulses of love, tries through all means to save all people from sin. My Son Jesus through My Heart wishes to share with all people His Heavenly Blessings. I know that many of you are going through great difficulties because, in these last times, men do not love each other and do not help each other, but live with hearts full of pride, lies, intrigues, ambitions, slander, wretchedness and many wrong things. These are the consequences of their turning away from God.  My son, see how much I have suffered near My Son Jesus and My Spouse, Mary Most Holy. As I have already told you, I had already received from the Heavenly Father the mission to be the Custodian and the Protector of Jesus and Mary.

My son, My Heart was afflicted as we were so ordinary people and with no great means.  I wanted to give a worthy life to the Son of the Most High.  The only way I could provide for the Family was with My trade as a carpenter. The work would not always bring fair return because in those times, anyway, life had its problems.  However, I always trusted in the Divine Providence that helped us and gave us just the necessary sustenance and the sustenance for the Child God, My Beloved Son Jesus Christ.  My Heart was worried, because I felt I was not going to give a dignified life to the God’s Jesus.  God allowed me to live this so that I would grow in trusting in His Divine Providence, so that the Virtue of Humility could adorn My soul; to be an example for all men and workers, so that even they would carry out their duties and work with love and patience, because I am a model for all workers.  For this reason, my son, communicate to all those who will honor My Heart and will have full trust in me and in My intercession, the promise that they will not be abandoned in the difficulties and trials of life, because I will ask the Lord to help them with His Divine Providence with their problems, material as well as spiritual.

Fathers and mothers, also their families, who Consecrate themselves to My Heart, will have My help not only in their afflictions and problems, but also in raising and educating their children. As I raised the Son of the Most High in His Holy Divine Laws (1), in the same way I will help all fathers and mothers who will Consecrate their children to me to raise them in the love and in the Holy Laws of God so that they find the sure way of salvation.

Now I tell all people:  Consecrate yourselves to My Most Chaste Heart. Consecrate everything to me, because My Heart is the new source of grace that God lavishes on the entire world.  This is My message to all humanity. I spread My Cloak on the entire world and on the entire Holy Church. Trust in Me and you will receive all Graces.  I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!”

(1) The Incarnation was not clear. Therefore, Jesus had to undergo the same process of acquiring knowledge as all men do.  Mary and Joseph really had to instruct Jesus with their lives, their words, and with their explanations.    

March 7, 1998 - 9:20 pm, Manaus - First Saturday of the month

Saint Joseph came with a green cloak, a dark gray tunic and He was holding Jesus right hand.  Our Lady came with a light blue mantle, a white garment and white veil.  Baby Jesus came with light yellow tunic.

St. Joseph:

“My dear son, tonight, I, my Son Jesus and My Spouse Mary Most Holy bless you in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  My dear son, My Son Jesus is very indignant for the sins of humanity. He wishes to spread His Divine Justice on all mankind that does not want to repent and continue to be obstinate in their sins.  See, my son, I hold His hand to prevent Him from  spreading His Justice on all humanity, and I ask Him through the graces of My Heart for having  been worthy to live at His side, to have taken care of Him with a love of a father in this world, and for Him to have loved me with the love of a son, not to chastise the world for its criminal acts, but because of all my little ones who honor, and will honor this Most Chaste Heart of Mine, He would spread His Mercy on the world.

How many sins are committed in the world, my son! It is necessary that men do many acts of penance, that they repent of their wrong actions, because God, in these times, receives continuous offense from ungrateful men.  Today, many are the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences received from all men.  It is for this reason that today on the world befalls so many calamities, famines, wars, plagues and so many other sad things that people suffer due to their rebellion towards God.  God allows men to follow their own path, to show them that without Him they will never be happy, and He lets men go through many sufferings, also to show them the consequences that sin generates in their lives. In this way, the Divine Justice punishes humanity due to the disobedience to the will of God.  For this, my dear son, in these last times, humanity continues ever so obstinate in its crimes because what matters the most are pleasures and worldly things and not the love of God and His Commandments.

The justice of God will not delay, it will arrive in a way never seen before and suddenly on the entire world. Therefore, communicate to all those who will honor this Most Chaste Heart of Mine that they will receive the grace of my protection from evil and danger. Those who entrust themselves to me will not be hit by misfortune, wars, hunger, plague and other calamities but will have my heart as a safe shelter.  Here in My Heart all will be protected from the Divine Justice in the days to come, because those who will consecrate themselves to My Heart, honoring it, will be looked upon by My Son Jesus with the eyes of mercy.  Jesus will spread His Love and bring to the Glory of His Reign all those I will place in My Heart.  This is my message tonight. I bless you in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.  See you soon!"

March 8, 1998 -  9:30 pm, Manaus

St. Joseph had a brown tunic and a light brown cloak, surrounded by 12 Angels with large wings. 

"My dear son, My Heart rejoices greatly for these encounters because I desire to spread the Graces that the Lord allows me to grant.   I want, through My Heart, to lead all people to God.  Here in My Heart all people will be protected, and through it all will understand the love of God in their lives.

My dear son, all those who will spread the devotion to My Heart and will practice it with love and with conviction of heart will have the certainty to have their names engraved in it, in the same way the cross of My Son Jesus and the M of Mary are engraved in the shape of wounds.  This is also a promise for all Priests because I love them with predilection.  The Priests who will have a devotion to My Heart and will spread it will have the Grace, granted by God, to touch the most hardened hearts and to convert the most obstinate sinners.  That everyone spread the devotion of My Heart because it is really God who asks so, to all those who will listen to my appeal, my blessing.”

9. marec 1998 - Sporočilo Naše Gospe

Sveti Jožef je prišel v vinsko obarvanem plašču in beli tuniki.  Naša Gospa, v modrem plašču in beli obleki. Dete Jezus, ves v belem, v naročju sv. Jožefa. 

"Moj ljubljeni sin, nocoj jaz, moj Sin Jezus in moj prečisti soprog Jožef blagoslavljamo ves svet. Prosim vas, da poslušate in živite sveta Gospodova sporočila. Spreobrnite se.

Še naprej vsak dan molite sveti rožni venec in še posebej, ljubljeni otroci, sedem apostolskih veroizpovedi, kajti tukaj v Amazoniji bo prišlo do velike izgube vere.  Zaradi tega sem vas prosil, da vedno molite in še naprej molite sedem apostolskih veroizpovedi, saj bodo mnogi izgubili vero in zapustili sveto Cerkev v težkih trenutkih, ki prihajajo, in jaz, vaša Mati, vas prosim, da še naprej molite preprečiti to veliko nevarnost in tiste težke dni, v katerih bodo mnogi trpeli.  Večni Oče mi nocoj dovoli, da vam razodem obljubo svojega Brezmadežnega Srca vsem tistim, ki vdano častijo in ljubijo Srce mojega soproga Jožefa.

Povej, sin moj, da bo vsem tistim, ki častijo njegovo prečisto srce, moja materinska navzočnost v njihovem življenju še posebej koristila, saj bom stala ob strani vsakemu svojemu sinu in hčerki ter jim pomagala in jih tolažila s svojo materino Srce, tako kot sem pomagal in tolažil svojega Najčistejšega zakonca Jožefa na tem svetu. In vsem, ki z zaupanjem prosijo njegovo Srce, obljubljam, da bom posredoval pri Večnem Očetu, mojem Božjem Sinu Jezusu in Svetem Duhu, da bi pridobil od Gospoda milost, da bi dosegel popolno svetost in posnemal svojega žene Jožefa v njegovih krepostih, na ta način doseganje popolnosti ljubezni, kot jo je On izkusil.

S tem, moj ljubljeni sin, se bodo ljudje naučili ljubiti mojega Sina Jezusa in sebe z isto ljubeznijo mojega Najčistejšega zakonca Jožefa, prejemajoč iz naših src najčistejšo ljubezen, ki jo bomo delili z njimi. Jaz, moj Sin Jezus in moj prečisti soprog Jožef smo vam ob strani.   Ničesar se ne bojte, saj vas bodo naša srca vedno varovala. Blagoslavljam vas vse: v imenu Očeta in Sina in Svetega Duha. Amen. Se vidiva kmalu!"

Po sporočilu Naše Gospe je Sveta Družina dala svoj blagoslov in se začela dvigati v nebo in Gospa je rekla:

"Končno bodo zmagala naša združena Srca!"

10. marec 1998 - Sporočilo našega Gospoda Jezusa Kristusa
»Moj ljubljeni sin, danes izlivam milosti svojega Srca in blagoslavljam vse človeštvo. Želim, da bi vsi ljudje imeli pobožnost do Najčistejšega Srca mojega deviškega očeta Jožefa. Tisti, ki ga častijo kot moje Srce, me osrečujejo.  Govori vsem ljudem o tej pobožnosti, ki ti je bila razodeta. Zaupam ti to poslanstvo, kot sem ti povedal.  Moraš ljubiti mojega deviškega očeta Jožefa, kakor ga jaz ljubim, ker, ko ga ljubim, izpolnjeval boš mojo voljo tako, da me posnemaš v vsem.  Želim rešiti vse grešnike. Vse vas ljubim ... Jaz sem vaš Bog, jaz sem vas ustvaril in želim, da ste srečni ob meni in delite mojo ljubezen in slava raja.

Zatorej, sin moj, bodo vsi tisti, ki častijo prečisto Srce mojega deviškega očeta Jožefa, prejeli milost, da bodo zadnji dan svojega življenja, ob smrtni uri, premagali prevaro sovražnika odrešenja in prejeli zmago in zasluženo nagrado v kraljestvu mojega nebeškega Očeta. Tisti, ki vdano častijo to Najčistejše Srce na tem svetu, bodo zagotovo prejeli veliko slavo v nebesih, milost, ki ne bo dana tistim, ki ga ne častijo, kot prosim.

Predane duše mojega deviškega očeta Jožefa bodo imele koristi od blaženega videnja Svete Trojice in bodo imele globoko spoznanje o Enem in Troedinem Bogu, trikrat Svetem, uživale bodo tudi v prisotnosti moje nebeške Matere in mojega deviškega očeta Jožefa v nebeškem kraljestvu, kot so moji nebeški čudeži, ki so jim vsem pridržani od večnosti. Te duše bosta ljubili Presveta Trojica in moja Mati Presveta Devica Marija in bodo obdajale Prečisto Srce mojega deviškega očeta Jožefa kot najlepše lilije. To je moja velika obljuba vsem ljudem po vsem svetu, bhaktam mojega deviškega očeta Josepha. Blagoslavljam te, moj ljubljeni sin, in tvojo celotno družino in ves svet v imenu Očeta in Sina in Svetega Duha. Amen. Se vidiva kmalu!"

Jezus je bil veličastno oblečen, govoril je z veliko ljubeznijo in s kraljevsko oblastjo. Bil je zelo lep in poln svetlobe, ki je sevala iz njegovega bitja, kot da bi ta svetloba prišla od znotraj navzven in ostala okoli njega.  Vsakič, ko je govoril o pobožnosti do Srca svojega deviškega očeta Jožefa, se je njegov obraz razsvetlil in njegovo Srce je zasijalo močneje.

19. marec 1998 - god sv. Jožefa

Danes je prišla sveta družina: Gospa s svetim Jožefom, ki je v naročju držal Jezusa.  Vsi trije so bili oblečeni v zlato.  Dojenček Jezus je bil s hrbtom proti nam, s svojimi ročicami okoli vratu sv. Jožefa, z glavo navzdol, kot bi jokal in prosil za tolažbo in zaščito. 

Gospa je pojasnila:

»Moj Sin je žalosten zaradi vseh mladih, ker ga v teh dneh žalijo s hudimi grehi in nočejo vedeti, kaj je božje, in se mu upirajo.  Jezus ni žalosten le zaradi vseh mladih, ampak tudi za tiste, ki ne želijo spremeniti svojega življenja in se pokesati svojih grehov."

Takoj zatem mi je Devica dala to sporočilo, da ga sporočim ljudem:

»Mir z vami!  Dragi otroci, odprite svoja srca Jezusu. Odpovejte se napačnim stvarem, bežite pred grehom.  Želim si, da bi bili enotni in živeli kot pravi bratje.  Živeli ljubezen in mir v svojih družinah.   Kjer v domu ni ljubezni in miru, tam ni Boga, ampak satana, ki jih skuša. Zato se osvobodite vsakega greha in vsakega zla, spravite se z Bogom. Jezus je tako žalostno za mlade ljudi.  Danes hodijo po poti pogubljenja. Molite zanje, ker Moje Srce tako zelo trpi za vse njih.   Matere in očetje morajo ljubiti svoje otroke, jih vzgajati v Božjih zakonih in v njegovi ljubezni.  Veliko je mladih, ki hodijo po poti zla, ker jim matere in očetje niso dali pravih naukov in dolžne ljubezni.  Starši morajo z otroki ravnati z ljubeznijo in naklonjenostjo, pa tudi otroci morajo biti poslušni.  Starši naj jih znajo voditi z ljubeznijo, ne da bi jim vsiljevali stvari, ki jih niso pripravljeni sprejeti, ampak jih po malem vzgajali v družinskem življenju. Mnogi tega niso storili zaradi svoje hladnosti in ohlapnosti v božjih stvareh in prav zaradi tega se mnogi izgubijo na poti zla, ker niso prejeli potrebne luči, ki jim jo Bog posreduje vsem po njih. lastni starši.  

Sledite mojemu zgledu:  Postopoma sem svojega Sina Jezusa poučeval o Božjih in človeških zakonih.  Dragi očetje in matere storite tako s svojimi otroki in Bog vas bo blagoslovil. To je moje današnje sporočilo.

Vse vas blagoslavljam v imenu Očeta in Sina in Svetega Duha. Amen.  Se vidiva kmalu!"

Popoldne mi je sveti Jožef dal naslednje sporočilo:

"Moje srce si želi odrešenja vseh vas. Iztrgajte iz mojega srca vse milosti in vse, kar potrebujete za svoje odrešenje. Blagoslavljam vas vse in ves svet."

Med prikazovanjem sem razumel. kako zelo Bog želi, da ljubimo svetega Jožefa.  Na njegov praznik so bile po njegovem prečistem srcu po svetu razlite mnoge milosti. 

20. november 1995 (Naša Gospa)

»Vedno molite k svetemu Jožefu. Vedno vas brani in varuje pred satanovimi napadi.  Sveti Jožef je velik svetnik pred Bogom, saj vse doseže s svojo priprošnjo pred Sveto Trojico.  Sveta Trojica ga je prekrila z veliko milosti, da bi lahko nosil poslanstvo zaščitnika Deteta Jezusa na tem svetu In danes je sveti Jožef v nebeški slavi skupaj s Presveto Trojico in moli zate, za večno zveličanje vsakega in da boste dobro razumeli pozive svoje nebeške Matere."

25. december 1996 (Naša Gospa Edsonu)

»Ljubljeni otroci, v svojih življenjih in v svojih družinah vedno prosite za varstvo mojega ljubljenega in prečistega soproga Jožefa. Sveti Jožef je velik svetnik pred Bogom.  Mnogi še vedno ne vedo, kako bi mu dali čast, ki si jo zasluži .  Ne razumejo, da je bil zelo pomembno orodje v odrešenjskem delu mojega Sina Jezusa. Če ne bi bilo svetega Jožefa, kaj bi bilo z mano in mojim Sinom Jezusom v preganjanju, ki ga je trpel Herod?   Pomislite otroci, koliko je morala pretrpeti moja prečista žena, da je mogla podpirati Odrešenika sveta in mu omogočiti vsaj dostojno življenje ob njegovi nebeški Materi. Da vsi očetje in matere izročijo vse svoje otroke in svoje družine varstvo svetega Jožefa."

6. junija 1997 je Jezus dal sporočilo, ki ga je treba poslati papežu, da bi obvestil celotno Cerkev:

"Želim, da bi prva sreda po prazniku mojega presvetega srca in Marijinega brezmadežnega srca veljala za praznik prečistega srca svetega Jožefa."  

Ta prošnja je bila ponovljena trikrat, da bi pokazala, da je bila to njegova goreča želja.

23. novembra 1997 v Itapirangi je imel Edson nenavaden videz: Videla sem Jezusa v spremstvu Gospe in svetega Jožefa. Na desni strani je bila Devica, na levi pa sveti Jožef. Vsi trije sedijo na čudovitih prestolih. Najbolj me je prevzelo to, da so imeli trije na glavi tri čudovite krone. Jezus mi je rekel: 

"Vedno ljubi mojo Presveto Mater, Kraljico neba in zemlje in mojega deviškega očeta, svetega Jožefa, ki sem ga postavil za očeta in zaščitnika sveta in svete Cerkve."

26. novembra 1997 je Gospa dala to izjavo:

»Sin moj, povem ti, da v prikazovanjih, ki bodo prišla, počakaj na obisk mojega najčistejšega soproga, sveti Jožef, ki ti ga je poslal moj Sin Jezus, ti bo posredoval zasebna sporočila in druga, namenjena javnosti.  Jezus ga pošilja, da bi vsi moji otroci po vsem svetu razumeli veliko slavo in čudeže, ki jih Bog po svoji priprošnji dela v njihovih življenjih."

Še isti dan novembra mi je Gospa razodela željo, da postanem apostol pobožnosti sv. Jožefa: 

»Bog želi, da bi sv. Jožefa vsi ljudje slavili na poseben način, ker je njegova oseba v teh trenutnih časih pomembna za zveličanje svete Cerkve in vsega človeštva, povem vam, moji otroci: končno je naša Tri srca bodo zmagala!"

On November 27, 1997, Jesus spoke to me about the power and glory of the name of Saint Joseph:

"I want each one of my children in the whole world to have devotion to the Most Chaste Heart of my virginal father Saint Joseph.  This Most Chaste Heart will guide to me innumerable souls.  Let all men know that it is enough to call upon the most holy name of my virginal father Joseph to shake all hell and to flee all demons.  In Heaven, all the saints and all the angels praise Saint Joseph, because I have given him great power and glory." 

On November 30, 1998 in Brescia, Italy, I received the following message from Our Lady:

"My beloved son, speak to the Pope and the Holy Church of this message. My Son Jesus and I, his Mother, desire the whole world to be consecrated to the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph.  Listen to this appeal!  With this consecration, so many evils will be avoided for the Church.  May the Church recognize this dignity which God grants to my Most Chaste Spouse.  May this desire be realized very soon.   Jesus wishes to triumph with my Immaculate Heart and with the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph."

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