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Pred Najsvetejšim

Od danes naprej, med svojim življenjem tukaj na Zemlji, ko vstopite v cerkev, najprej poiščite Najsvetejši oltarni zakrament.  Malo molite in nato poiščite prostor za sedenje.​To molitev je treba opraviti pred Najsvetejšim oltarnim zakramentom:

O moj Jezus v Najsvetejšem oltarnem zakramentu, tukaj sem pred teboj, da te prosim, kar je potrebno za svojo družino in za vse ljudi po vsem svetu, in da se ti zahvalim za vse, kar si že storil zanje. , za mojo družino do četrtega kolena, za družino mojega zakonca do četrtega kolena in za vse človeštvo.

I thank you Lord, for all the people who do not know how to thank you.  Amen.

​Once you have found a place to sit, either on your knees, standing or sitting continue to pray:

O my Sacramental Jesus, have mercy on the souls of my family, forgive them of their sins and grant them eternal salvation.

O my Sacramental Jesus, have mercy on the souls of my family until the fourth generation, forgive them of their sins and grant them eternal salvation.

O my Sacramental Jesus, have mercy on the souls of my spouse’s family until the fourth generation, forgive them of their sins and grant them eternal salvation.

O my Sacramental Jesus, have mercy on the souls of my neighbors, my friends, my enemies, the agonizing, the souls in Purgatory, the incarcerated, the perverse, the evildoers, the criminals, forgive them of their sins and grant them eternal salvation.

O my Sacramental Jesus, have mercy on the souls of atheists, the people who do not love you, the people who persecute us, the people who criticize us, the people who do not know how to love God above all things and their brothers as themselves, forgive them of their sins and grant them eternal salvation.

O my Sacramental Jesus, have mercy on the souls of the mothers who have aborted their children, the mothers who have abandoned their children, the people who have abandoned their father and their mother in facilities, the people who have practiced adultery, forgive them of their sins and grant them eternal salvation.

O my Sacramental Jesus, have mercy on the souls of all your children, the good and the bad, many of them do not know what they do. Amen.

Thank you for attending to me. My mother and I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. (April 2, 1997 from Jesus)

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