Kako je Gospa?
Many are those who ask Edson Glauber or Maria do Carmo: How is Our Lady? What physiognomy does she have? Edson often tried to describe Her.
Our Lady presents herself as a very beautiful young woman, who appears to be approximately 15 to 16 years old. She has long and wavy black hair, blue eyes, and her skin is not white in color, but light brown, with a soft pink color on her face and lips. Her beauty is not of a person of the earth, but it is celestial, coming from Heaven. She always comes dressed in a white mantle and a long white dress that reaches down to Her feet. Around Her head there is a crown of 12 golden stars, which shine and are always in harmony with Her movements.
She is not tall. She is a little shorter than me, but always Her presence radiates a great respect and reverence. This is why I always kneel. She is very kind and a mother who always shows Her love and affection, sending us kisses, as a mother does with her children. Sometimes She hugs us, kisses us on the forehead, blesses and kisses the roses which we place at Her feet during the apparition, and She many times delivers them to us or also delivers to the other people who are present.
As a mother, She cares about everything that happens to us. I remember that at one time because I was very cold and sick, during the apparition, She told me to take better care of my health, because I was very weak.
Velikokrat se med prikazovanjem premakne v zrak, od koder je in gre do nekaterih svojih otrok, ki so prisotni ob prikazovanju, jih objema ali poljublja. Otroci, ki jih je Gospa med prikazovanji najbolj poljubljala in pošiljala sporočila, so bili mladi, ki jih ima tako rada. Rekla je, da je prišla v Itapirango, predvsem zaradi toliko mladih, ki se zadnje čase tako izgubijo. Oni so tisti, ki danes najbolj padejo v peklenski ogenj, mi je nekoč rekla Gospa, zato tako zelo trpi in nam priporoča molitev zanje.
V nekem prikazovanju je rekla:
"Edson, pomagaj mi rešiti mlade za mojega sina Jezusa. Tvoje poslanstvo je moliti za mlade, še posebej za najbolj izgubljene, tiste, ki so v temi greha, brez upanja, da bodo našli milost in Božjo luč, ker nočejo obžalovati svojih grehov in nočejo odpreti svojih src Bogu.Molite, veliko molite za mlade, ker so moja velika skrb kot Mati, v teh težkih dneh, kjer zmota, laž in dim satan jih je objel in tako kot ves svet."