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The Significance of the First Five Apparitions to Maria do Carmo

"The person who loves me and truly loves my Son Jesus will abandon the life of sin, because sin children, destroys your souls. If you want to go one day to paradise, you must pray a lot, living a life of prayer and conversion."
​(April 5, 2004)


The first five apparitions and messages that occurred to Maria do Carmo at the beginning of May, 1994, may have gone unnoticed by many people, even by many priests, who did not understand their content and meaning.  Here let us emphasize their importance, which leads us to know the reality and the teachings of them, which are the basis of all the other messages given by the Virgin in the course of all these years:

In the first apparition on May 2, Our Lady shows to Maria do Carmo her son Quirino, who died in an accident in 1989 when he was 11 years old. In this first apparition, Our Lady wishes to tell the world, and especially the mothers who have lost their children in a tragic way, not to lose faith and do not despair, but pray, just as she asked Maria do Carmo in her first message: "Pray, pray!"  Here we can conclude that death is not the end of a life, but the birth of man to eternal life if always in friendship and in union with God on Earth, as Our Lady showed to Maria do Carmo and explained to Edson that his brother Quirino had been born to eternal life. A death, even tragic, can never destroy God's plan and the end of His work in a person's life, for His love and power have no limits. Many, when they go through tragic moments in their lives, with the loss of their children or some family member, despair and then abandon God and the path He has planned in their lives, to seek consolation and answers to their pain in teachings and in wrong things, betraying their faith and the Church, not realizing that the answer lies only in God, in His love and in His work. For this reason, Our Lady told Maria do Carmo in Her apparitions that in the most difficult moment of her life and of great pain, she did not reject God nor her faith, but she remained firm and strong, being an example to the others: "You were so humble and minuscule, plus you did not blaspheme me or my Son Jesus Christ. These are your main qualities. You only said, "Why did my son die? Why?" ... and I and my Son Jesus Christ answered once again: "because he wanted to be an Angel and a Holy One of the Lord. You just feel happy now, because we show your son and how he is there in Heaven and dressed as an Angel, but you will feel even happier when you meet one day there in the Glory of the Lord."

In the second apparition on May 4, before Maria do Carmo saw Jesus and Our Lady in this apparition, she first saw the devil who wanted to attack her and prevent her from praying. Maria do Carmo, illuminated by God and the Virgin, cried out for the blood of Christ and put the devil into flight. Immediately afterwards came Jesus and Our Lady who brought her son Quirino with them very beautiful. Jesus told her that he was an angel and a saint in Heaven. We can see in this second apparition two particulars: first, the existence of the devil, who seeks in all things to keep men from the plan of God, preventing them from sanctifying themselves, even if it is by means of a simple prayer and; second, that holiness is possible for all those who wish to seek it with heart, faith, and love, as happened to the son of Maria do Carmo. But this holiness depends very much on living together in holiness and dedication of each father and mother in the creation and education of their children. Maria do Carmo sought in her commitments as housewife and mother to teach her children the way of God, through a life of faith and prayer, in its simplicity, without much ostentation, even in her daily limitations and problems.

In the third and fourth apparition, which occurred on the 7th and later on the 8th day of May (Mother's Day that year), the Virgin showing a bloody fetus in Her hands called the attention on mothers who reject and kill their children, speaking to us on the seriousness of abortion, and on the denial of faith of people who follow other denominations and sects that do not please God: "Abortion is a grave sin!  Those who practice abortion have to confess to the priest, cry and roll on the floor of repentance and never stop praying. Only then can you save yourself!" And showing Maria do Carmo many men dressed in black burning in the fire of hell said: "Look, these are the Masons, because Freemasonry is a sect of the devil. And if you die being a Mason, you will go straight to hell!"  This is true of all who know the truth and seek the lie; knowing where God is and they sought the devil; knowing where the light is, they preferred darkness.


In the fifth apparition on May 11, Jesus speaks to Maria do Carmo about the seriousness of adultery and living together, evils today practiced by many people, which destroy the true meaning and the formation of the family in its value and its foundations.  Such sins will not go unnoticed by God, without the due punishments they deserve: 

​"Maria do Carmo! Do not sleep! Get up, write. Do not waste time. Adultery is a grave sin, but has forgiveness if you make a good confession and with complete repentance! Teach. You already know how to make a good confession. Do not be afraid or ashamed of the priest. If he forgives, I will also forgive. If he does not forgive, I also will not forgive! Those who are married and separated, unite again if you still love each other: with forgiveness and sincerity! Whoever is married and separated, who lives with another man or with another woman who is not of his/her marriage, must separate and live as friends in the same house. The two can no longer live as husband and wife.  If one of the two is free and needs a conjugal life, this person should then get married.  One can simply not commit adultery!"

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